Conformation is a competitive event open to purebred dogs, designed to evaluate a dog’s external appearance and structure as it compares to a breed standard. The breed standards describe the ideal qualities measurable through movement, appearance, and temperament of each breed. UKC offers not only regular Conformation but also offers classes which are open to “altered” purebred dogs allowing exhibitors and breeders to showcase their canine companions. Conformation is unique from other registries as we do not allow the use of professional handlers creating a venue in which the owner-handler can excel.
Conformation is a great gateway to the other UKC events and is an important part of UKC’s Total Dog award. Total Dog is an award given to dogs that not only look good in the Conformation ring, but can also excel in UKC’s Performance Events (Agility, Obedience, Rally Obedience, Hunting Events, etc.). UKC strongly believes that the Total Dog philosophy is a great test of canine ability and strengthens the bonds between dogs and their owners.
Active dogs enjoy this fast-paced sport where they pursue an artificial lure through a safely enclosed course. Beat the clock to earn a leg! Regular classes are Novice, Advanced, Superior, Master and Elite. Each class has a unique maximum course time. Qualifying legs earned at licensed Precision Coursing events will be counted towards Precision Coursing titles. Legs may only be earned from the licensed classes. A leg is defined as a qualifying run in a sprint. Only one leg may be earned per sprint. Dogs will have two opportunities per sprint to earn a qualifying leg. Titles you can earn include: RACEN – 3 qualifying legs, RACEA - 3 qualifying legs, RACES - 5 qualifying legs, RACEM - 5 qualifying legs, RACEE - 10 qualifying legs. After completing all of these levels your dog can obtain their Precision Coursing Champion award or SPRINT by obtaining an additional 10 qualifying legs.
Return to EventsA licensed Precision Coursing class in which dogs run a modified Precision Course that provides a straight section of 150 feet where the dog can safely gain speed to stimulate prey drive while chasing an artificial lure. Dogs are timed only for the 150-foot section of the course. The timed portion of the course will consist of a chute made by fencing within the course that will be approximately 150 feet long by 10 feet wide. Qualifying legs earned at licensed Dash event will be counted towards Dash titles. Legs may only be earned from the licensed classes. A leg is defined as a qualifying run in a Dash. Titles include: DASH – 3 qualifying legs, RUSH - 5 qualifying legs, FLY - 10 qualifying legs. Additional FLY titles can be earned by completing 5 additional qualifying legs.
Return to EventsA licensed Precision Coursing class in which dogs run a modified Dash Course that provides a straight section of 150 feet with 4 hurdles that stimulates prey drive while having the dog negotiate obstacles while chasing an artificial lure. Dogs are timed only for the 150-foot section of the course. Dogs earn qualifying scores and titles independently from regular Precision Coursing titles. Qualifying legs earned at licensed Precision Coursing Steeplechase events will be counted towards Precision Coursing Steeplechase titles. Legs may only be earned from the licensed classes. A leg is defined as a qualifying run in a Steeplechase. A dog will qualify based on the time allowed within their height division. Dogs must jump each hurdle to qualify. Height divisions and times are as follows:
Titles include: HOP – 3 qualifying legs, LEAP – 5 qualifying legs, JUMP - 10 qualifying legs, additional JUMP titles can be obtained by completing 5 additional qualifying legs.
Rally Obedience is a fun, fast-paced demonstration of a dog and handler’s ability to perform basic obedience exercises. Dog and handler teams appear to be dancing in this fast flowing competitive event.
Modeled after Rally style car racing, Rally Obedience is a course of exercises that you follow by reading the instructional and directional signs. These events are open to all dog and handler teams wanting to build teamwork and to challenge their skills navigating the course together.
In Obedience Trials, dogs perform a series of intricate exercises at the command of their handler. This event is the foundation for all other activities you can do with your dog. Obedience competition levels range from the basic novice skills of sit, stay and heel, to the most advanced skills of directed retrieves, scent discrimination, and following hand signals.
Success in Obedience requires training and dedication to build the special bond needed to work together in this precision-based activity. If you are looking for a challenge and strive for perfection, this is the event for you!
Nosework is a great game for every dog who loves to use their sense of smell.
Modeled after working detection dogs, this activity provides a safe and enriching scenario that can be easily performed anywhere and builds a trusting and lasting relationship between handler and dog.
The concept of Nosework is that all handlers, and all dogs, regardless of physical structure, should have the opportunity to participate and experience success.
UKC has supported the Total Dog philosophy through its events and programs for over a century. Essentially, the UKC world of dogs is a working world. That's the way it was developed in 1898, and that's the way it remains today. A Total Dog displays equal parts Function, Temperament, and Structure. Total Dog is a way to showcase dogs who look and perform equally well. The UKC Total Dog philosophy places an emphasis on dogs who shine in multiple venues, such as displaying the gait appropriate for their breed type while in the show ring, and then using that superb construction to effortlessly run full speed in a Lure Coursing race. A sound, well-bred, well-adjusted dog can easily transition from the show ring to a performance event. They have the looks to excel as a proper specimen of their breed, while also having the brains and ability to perform athletically in a variety of sporting events. To earn a Total Dog award, dogs must qualify in both conformation and an eligible performance event on the same day.
Your Total Dog could win $10,000 at the UKC Total Dog Invitational. The Total Dog Invitational is by invitation only. To qualify for a invitation to this event, dogs must earn a Total Dog award at a Regional Qualifying Event (RQE). UKC Classics are considered RQEs. UKC clubs that are planning an event featuring conformation plus a performance event may apply to be considered an RQE. A total of 12 RQEs are held throughout the year.
Whether your dream is $10,000 or simply proving that your dog is a Total Dog at any show you attend, participating in both performance and conformation is a great way to accomplish something unforgettable by your well-rounded dog.
Weight Pull offers dogs an opportunity to perform a function that comes naturally to them - pulling enthusiastically.
In this event, dogs are harnessed and then pull a weighted cart or sled a predetermined distance, with one minute to do so. From small to large, any dog can excel at this sport!
The SPOT program was developed to reward one’s everyday life with dogs. It is important that not only dogs, but their owners as well, set an example for responsible dog ownership in our modern world of increasingly urban and crowded environments.
Learning appropriate behavior while on leash and in the presence of other dogs, and learning basic obedience skills are essential for dog ownership today. The SPOT test consists of 10 separate stations. At each station the dog must perform a basic exercise. These exercises are used to demonstrate that the dog is capable of exhibiting desired behaviors that the general public would expect to see in a well-behaved dog.
Agility is a fast-paced sport where a dog and handler race to complete a specially designed obstacle course, involving tunnels, bridges, and jumps. This event is great for all ages! Be amazed at how fast dogs can complete the course.
Speed is important, but Agility is also about accuracy and working as a dog/owner team.
It takes an incredible bond between the owner and dog to navigate the courses. Agility is a great workout open to all dogs!
For dogs who love to make a splash! There are 3 categories of competition involved in Dock Jumping: Distance Jumping where the distance is measured from the end of the dock to where the tail base breaks the surface of the water, Vertical Jumping where after the running order has been finished, the bumper will be moved up 2 inches to the next height. This will be repeated until all dogs have missed the bumper, with the dog catching or knocking highest being declared the winner, and finally Fetch It where after the running order has been finished, the bumper will be moved out 1 foot to the next distance. This will be repeated until all dogs have missed the bumper, with the dog catching or knocking the farthest distance being declared the winner.
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